The Problem

Childhood food insecurity is a national problem, it occurs when children receive insufficient food on a regular basis; in many cases missing meals entirely. After a while, these children also experience “fear of hunger” that affects their behavior as much as physical hunger affects their bodies. There are more than 6.4 million food-insecure children in American households today.

How End 68 Hours of Hunger Helps

This program puts nourishing food in the hands of school children to carry them through the weekend. Each bag of food costs $10 each week (with the support of food donations) and provides two breakfasts, two lunches, and three dinners for a child, with some leftover to share!

Impact Report FY 2023-2024

The Impact of Food Insecurity

The impact on the child is enormous. Teachers tell us that on Friday afternoons the children who are unlikely to have enough food at home become very edgy and are unable to concentrate.

After a week in a structured environment where they have at least two full meals, they will leave school and for 68 hours have little to eat. That insecurity can lead to some behavioral disruptions.

On Monday mornings they return to school ill, often spending the day in the nurse’s office. They are unable to focus and concentrate until they once again are nourished.

The Impact of End 68 Hours of Hunger

Our impact is huge!  All the behaviors of food insecure children disappear, and children arrive in school on Monday ready to learn, and the disruptive behaviors of Friday due to food insecurity vanish.

Teachers report that children are more responsible, and their performance improves.  Actual documented increases in reading and math scores have been reported as well.  We make a difference in the potential success of each child we feed!

Learn more about how our program operates

Watch founder Claire Bloom give a group presentation