End 68 Hours of Hunger

Our mission is to confront the approximately 68 hours of hunger that some school children experience between the free lunch they receive in school on Friday and the free breakfast they receive in school on Monday by putting bags of food in the hands of these children so that they have food to eat through the weekend.

95% of the donated funds received are used directly to purchase food and other necessary supplies to store and deliver food, and the remaining 5% is used to pay for externally mandated federal, state and local requirements and other administrative requirements.

Food is either donated or is purchased (by volunteers) and packed into bags or back packs, which are delivered to participating schools. From there, a school employee gets the bags/back packs to the participating students by whatever means they decide works best for them. The students take the bags/back packs home, and, if in backpacks, return them on Monday morning. Volunteers then pick the back packs up from the office, refill them, and the cycle starts again, every week, through the school year. If the school system supports it, we will continue to deliver bags through the summer months.


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