Conway’s End 68 Hours of Hunger pantry has been filled up by a friendly food challenge taken on by local schools. The food pantry has been low on such items as macaroni and cheese, canned soup, ravioli and ramen noodles along with canned chicken and tuna. Mandy McDonald, a family support liaison at Conway Elementary School started the challenge and every school was eager to participate.
Kennett High School collected cans of soup and ravioli; Kennett Middle created a competition among its three education teams, with Team I gathering packets of ramen noodles, Team II boxes of mac-and-cheese and Team III seeking cans of tuna and chicken. Madison Elementary, Freedom Elementary and Pine Tree School in Center Conway collected soups and ravioli; John H. Fuller Elementary in North Conway and Children Unlimited, canned tuna and chicken; Josiah Bartlett Elementary, Jackson Grammar and Conway Elementary, mac and cheese; and Robert Frost Charter School, ramen noodles. SAU 9 staff has been collecting canned vegetables.
“I’m blown away,” said Mandy “We know how incredible our community is, but I never in my wildest dreams thought we could get this much food. All I can say is thank you!”

Tower of Tuna

Ramen Bridge

We Can!

Castle of Mac
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