Barrington End 68 Welcomes New Co-Coordinator

Barrington End 68 Hours of Hunger would like to say a HUGE thank you to Michele Meister for serving as Co-Coordinator for the past year. She has organized our warehouse to be in the best shape it’s ever been, she’s made amazing connections in the community and put her heart and soul into her work with End 68. She has stepped down from her position as co-coordinator and we wish her the best with her future volunteer work.

I would like to also ask you all to warmly welcome our new co-coordinator, Tracey Gower. We are excited to have her working with us and energized to work with her to continue the great work that E68 Barrington does. We are so happy to have you aboard and look forward to working together to make a difference for our Barrington kids!

Tracey would like to introduce herself to all of you, here are a few words about our new coordinator.

From Tracey:

I moved to Barrington in Middle School and graduated Dover High School in 1992. After graduation I thought I would try a warmer climate and moved to Florida. It was there I met my husband who was in the US Air Force. We have had the pleasure of not only living in Florida but also Hawaii and Washington DC, where our twins were born. When my husband retired from the Air Force we made the decision to come ‘home’ to New Hampshire and have not looked back since.

Jump to this year, I was feeling a bit at loose ends. Our twins are doing the step up from elementary to middle school; no more PTA, no more Cub Scouts and only one dance class. Given these changes I saw a lot of free time coming my way. A friend thought of me when she heard E68 was looking for another helper. Honestly, I knew about the program, had seen them around town and at different events but never fully understood all that the good that the organization does. One afternoon of talking with Kim, the coordinator, and getting countless goose bumps because of the wholesome goodness of the program and the support the entire community has for this group, I knew this was going to be my next step!

I can’t wait to start learning all the details, meeting the rest of the incredible team of helpers and supporting this program in anyway I can.

Welcome Tracey, and thank you Michele!


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